Tutorial : Floral Elegance Ring

Cross post from the original post here,

Tutorial : Floral Elegance
Level : Intermediate
Technique : Crossweave

You can download the pdf here


- Crystal bicone 4 mm. (Aquamarine 2X)
- Pearl round 3 mm. (Vintage Gold)
- Pearl round 6 mm. (Petrol)
- Czech rondelle 6x4 mm (Beige/Copper)
- Clay/Fimo rose 8 mm.
- Swarovski montee 3 mm (or 4mm)
- Seed Bead 11/0 (Silverlined Crystal)
- Clear fishing nylon thread No. 25
Optional : 4 pcs. Czech Round 4 mm. (I use them at both sides of my ring, you can just use crystal bicone.)

For the motif, the design is not mine. It is from Japanese designer I don't know how to read her name since it's all in Kanji. The book is Bead de Bead #6. It did not have the pattern of this design, just the photos and interview. I just try to follow her lovely design with the materials I have. Took me many tries until I finally got it right.

Clay or fimo rose 8 mm will be a bit hard to find. I remembered myself searching in vain for this size at the time I wanted to remake this bag or roses. I was lucky that I found one shop at etsy selling the exact size I need. More lucky to me that this shop is in Thailand, mean that I could arrange the order more easily and quickly. The roses are very lovely. If you want to buy roses from this shop, please ask her to make holes at the side of the rose too and the size 0.75 mm is fine.

Or if you can't find the small rose, you can try this motif using the big rose and adjust the size of all beads. For my pendant, my clay rose is 12 - 14mm. I use pearl 4mm and 6mm, czech round 6mm and montee 5mm.

About montees, I'm not really sure what I used are Swarovski montee or just rhinestone on the setting. But please make sure your montees have two stringing directions (four holes).

And since montees have many holes. In my tutorial, I'll mark the numbers on each hole so you will understand where to put and exit your thread.


Cut your thread around 100 - 110 cm. We start from the montee. Pass your thread into the hole number 2 and exit at number 4.

Add two 3 mm pearls to each thread. Cross both threads at the clay rose.


Add two 3mm pearls to each thread. Cross both threads at the montee, hole number 1 and 3.


String your threads back into those two 3mm pearls on both sides.


Add one montee. Put your thread into the hole number 2 and exit at number 1. Put your thread into the next two pearls (red arrows).


Add one montee to the other side. Put your thread into the hole number 4 and exit at number 3. Put your thread into the next two pearls (red arrows)


Cross your threads at the first montee we started. From hole number 4, exit at number 1. And the other thread is from hole number 2, exit at number 3.


From the thread exit at hole number 3 in the last step, add one 4mm crystal, one seed bead and one 6mm pearl.

Cross both threads at the 4mm crystal and one seed bead (red arrows).


Add one rondelle to one thread.

Put the other thread back into the montee at the hole number 1 and exit at number 2.


Pass your thread to the next two 3mm pearls (red arrows) and to the montee hole number 3 and exit at number 1.


Cross your threads at the crystal and seed bead (red arrows).


Add one 6mm pearl to one thread.

Put the other thread into the montee hole number 3 and exit at number 1.

Cross both threads at the crystal and seed bead (red arrows).


Repeat step 8 - 11 around the motif.

Finally, cross your threads at the rondelle (red arrow).


Add one seed bead to both threads and put your thread at the 6mm pearl.

Repeat connecting all the pearls and rondelles with seed bead around the motif (red arrows).


If you want only motif, you can end it now. Just pull your threads tight, string back into your beads, tie them together and try to hide the knot inside the bead. String the remaining threads into some more beads before trim them.


For ring, exit your threads at the 6mm pearl (or rondelle if you like it.) Add one seed bead and one 4mm. fire polished bead to each thread. Cross both threads at the seed bead (red arrow).

Continue crossweaving seed beads as you like for the ring band. Connect to the other side of the motif with fire polished beads and seed beads the same way.

I'll cover the bracelet in the next tutorial. It's the connection of three floral motifs into the bracelet.

I hope it's not too confusing. Happy beading!
