Lachesis Neckalce Tutorial

Lachesis necklace tutorial is now available at my etsy shop

The tutorial included how to make the beading component and the basic stringing necklace.

And as usual, I provided two colorways.

 Materials for the component
- 11/0 seed beads 2 colors.
- Pearl 6 mm
- Crystal bicone 4mm

Materials for the necklace
- Assorted beads or stones 8-12 mm
- Nymo thread D, or your favorite thread.
- Beading needle
- Monofilament thread or wire
- Jumprings
- Lobster clasp
- 2 Bead tips
- 2 Crimp beads
- Pliers

The main technique is tubular netting and basic stringing.

Happy beading!




