Cross post from the original here
Tutorial : Festus
Level : Intermediate
Technique : Brick Stitch
You can get the pdf here

Equipment :
- Pearl 6mm.
- Czech fire polished round 3mm.
- Czech fire polished round 4mm.
- Seed bead 15/0
- Seed bead 11/0
- Nymo or your favorite thread.
- Beading needle.
- Jumpring and clasp.
- Rondelle 3x5mm (Optional)
The display bracelet is the stock photo. This is my first beadweaving bracelet that I made. I mean with nymo thread and needle. As you all know, I always make a bracelet with crossweaving technique. So beadstitch with needle was something very new to me at that time. I made this bracelet since 2009. I love it very much and wore it very often until the gold coated on czech beads tarnished and all gone, left me only the crystal clear czech beads. lol
The design is not belong to me. It's from Japanese desinger and published in Japanese book, Bead de Bead #10 and it got the Grand Prix prize too. There is no pattern in the book. With many trial and error, I finally got it right. :D
I don't list the beads colors this time because I can't remember the exact color names. lol The rondelles are optional. I used them as the connectors bewteen the motifs. You can use any bead shape you like. In my green bracelet, I just used czech round 4mm as the connectors.
In my tutorial, I use black thread so you can see it clearly. Acutally, I tried to make the tutorial for this bracelet many times but I failed to do it. Either it was too difficult to make a tutorial or my photos were all too blurry, no one would understand it. But this month, I don't have any creative muse for something new so I try this tutorial again. Well, it seems my photo taking skill is also improved. lol

On the comfortable length of thread, pass your needle to 6mm pearl four times. Separate two lines for each side. These lines will be the base of your first round brick stitch.
Don't forget to leave around 6 inches tail.

Now we will begin brick stitch. Add two 15/0 seed beads. Slip your needle under base and pull your thread.

Sew back to the second seed bead (red arrow) and pull your thread. Use your fingers to align your seed beads.

Add one 15/0 seed bead (red arrow). Slip your needle under the base and sew to the same just added 15/0 seed bead (red arrow).

Repeat step 4 around the pearl.
When you join with the first bead, just sew to the first bead (red arrow) and slip your needle under the base close to the last bead.

Sew to the first bead and pull your thread. You now complete the first round of brick stitch.

We start with the second round. The thread between two 15/0 seed beads will be now your base.
Add two 11/0 seed beads. Slip your needle under the base (your new base) and sew to the second seed bead (red arrow). Pull your thread.

Add one 11/0 seed bead (red arrow). Slip your needle under the base and sew to the seed bead we just added (red arrow). Pull your thread.

Repeat step 8 all around the motif until you reach the first 11/0 seed bead (red arrow). Sew to the first seed bead (red arrow) and slip your needle under the base.

Sew back to your first seed bead and pull the thread. We now complete this second round.

We will begin the third round with 3mm czech. The thread between two 11/0 seed bead will be now your base.
Add two 3mm czech beads. Slip your needle under the new base and sew to the second 3mm czech (red arrow). Pull the thread.

Add one 3mm czech. Slip your needle under the base and sew back to the 3mm czech we just added (red arrow). Pull the thread.

Repeat step 13 around the motif. As the beads got bigger, it is possible that two beads will share the same base or you have to skip some base. When done, end the round the same way we did with the previous round.

This is the last round. The thread between two 3mm czech will be now your base.
Add one 4mm czech, one 11/0 seed bead and one 4mm czech. Slip your needle under the new base and sew back to the second 4mm czech (red arrow). Pull the thread.

Add one 11/0 seed bead and one 4mm czech. Slip your needle under the base. Sew back to the 4mm czech we just added (red arrow). and pull the thread.

As I mentioned before, it is possible that two beads will share the same base.

We end this round the same way we did with the previous round. You can sew back and reinforce your thread as you see fit.
Don't trim your thread just yet. You can use this leftover thread as well as the tail from the start to connect between the motifs.

I made another two small motifs. The only different is I use 4mm czech in the third round. And since 4mm bead is a bit bigger, at some point, I have to skip some base to the next base.
If you don't like the small motif. Just make the three main motifs from step 1 to step 17.

You can connect two motifs as you like and with any bead shape you prefer.
I just make it simple with right angle weave. Use the remaining thread from the main motif. Exit your needle at 11/0 seed bead from the 4th round. Add one 11/0 seed bead, one rondelle and one 11/0 seed bead. Sew to the 11/0 seed bead at the other small motif.
We now make a U-turn. Add one 11/0 seed bead. Sew to the same rondelle. Add one 11/0 seed bead and sew to the 11/0 seed bead at the main motif we start. Sew it twice or more if you like it tight.

Again, you can do as you like with the side of the bracelet. Just simple right angle weave is fine for me.
Don't forget to check the length of your bracelet with your wrist and your clasp too. I just used jumprings and simple button/snap clasp. :D

Yup, it's done. This bracelet is a very good practice for brick stitch, don't you think? It turns out nicely too.
Hope you enjoy it. Happy beading~!
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